March 2024150 pages
20x25cm (8x10 inches)
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Photo by Liz Potter
About Issue 3:
A year ago, a conversation sparked the idea for creating a print publication, which we could use to give photographs a place to live in. Our main motivation came out of the shared frustration with how we publish photography online. A photograph only exists for a fleeting moment on a screen and due to fast scrolling a series of such turns into a gibberish movie. A printed photograph lives with you until you throw it away or your house burns down. Furthermore, the magazine provides enough ground for photographs and text to coexist in harmony. No other unavoidable visual noise. Design has a great deal importance to this publication as well. If the photographs and paragraphs are the gears, design is the lubricant. Ensuring that all runs smoothly.
Photo by Max Schneller
With our third issue, we continue to explore the medium of photography by asking questions, seeking answers, looking at projects and photographic works, writing essays, and interviewing artists and artisans. This issue features the work of photographers from different countries. We explore Vienna - the birthplace of GOOD NEWS. To understand how the city influences the photographers who call it home, we go above and below the streets. We take to the States, across the ocean to walk through small towns and deserts. Back in Vienna, we talk to artisans who we believe play a key role in keeping the community alive. We explore lenses again, this time we throw a typewriter off a cliff. Oh, and we tell you how to save money by shooting more film.
This third issue of GOOD NEWS is created by Damyan Doumanov and Jahan Saber with contributions by:
Daniel Binder,
Sebastian Bruckmayr,
Liz Potter,
Hanna Pribitzer,
Maximilian Schneller.
We are grateful for their participation!